Online Courses & Resources

Uncover the voice within you. Whether you are a seasoned professional singer or have never dared to utter a single note, my holistic approach is designed to reveal your authentic voice. Join me on a journey of self-discovery and growth, where you will explore the connection between mind, body, and voice. The following courses and resources guide you to unlock the full potential of your voice, allowing you to express yourself with confidence and clarity. Experience the healing, transformative power of your voice!

The Mindful Voice Course

Coming Soon!

Voice & Chakra Course

A voice and body deep dive! Seven 1-hour sessions filled with vocalizations that allow you to explore, connect, balance, nourish and resonate each chakra. Meditation, yoga nidra, mantras and writing are also a big part of the practice. With the purchase of the course you will receive a 55 page Voice & Chakra Handbook.

Within the pages of this pdf, you will find audio vocal exercises, tips for vocal care, inspiration and guidance from me as you begin or continue on your vocal journey.

Discover the power of your voice