Holistic, Transformational Vocal Coaching

Unlock your voice.

Unlock your purpose.

Unlock your dreams.

Singing with Kendy has been very much part of my discovery and healing process. In the beginning, I wanted to work with her to improve my singing, but later it became a vital part of my well-being. I have never experienced singing in such a way.

Mirna R., Musician

Individual Coaching - In-person & Online

  • Balanced - 1 month

    Four 1 hour sessions that introduce you to the magnificent world of vocal work. Feel and utilize your breath to support your embodied voice, learn vocal techniques and meditations to balance, nourish and clarify your body and mind. Together we sing mantras and ancient healing songs to connect deeply to your resonance.


  • Connected - 2 months

    Eight 1 hour sessions that deepen your relationship to your voice and bring you into a complete presence to honor all that your heart desires. Toning, Vocal Chakra work, deep vocalizations, meditation, yoga nidra, poetry, mantras and ancient healing songs support you throughout the training. Weekly audio exercises and recordings of mantras included.

    624 €

  • Transformed - 3 months

    Twelve 1 hour sessions to deepen and release your authentic voice. In this training we explore the immensity of your vocal potential through toning, vocalizations, vocal chakra work, meditation, yoga nidra, poetry, mantras and ancient healing songs. Each session is guided by your specific needs and wants. Weeklly audio exercises, recordings and The Vocal Wellness Guide are included.


  • 1 Session - 90 minutes

    Learn to utilize your breath and feel your voice resonate throughout your body. This introduction session brings balance, presence and calm into your life, while you explore the voice within you.
